window.FishburneClipboard = (function( window, document, navigator ) { 'use strict'; var textArea; /** * Creates a text area using provided text string. * * @param {string} text * @param {HTMLElement} el */ function createTextArea( text, el ) { var yPosition = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; el = el || document.body; textArea = document.createElement( 'textarea' ); textArea.classList.add( 'clipboard-input' ); = yPosition + 'px'; textArea.setAttribute( 'readonly', '' ); textArea.value = text; el.appendChild( textArea ); } /** * OS-aware text select. */ function selectText() { var range, selection; if ( isIOS() ) { range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents( textArea ); selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange( range ); textArea.setSelectionRange( 0, 999999 ); } else {; } } /** * Copy text to clipboard and remove textarea. */ function copyToClipboard( el ) { el = el || document.body; document.execCommand( 'copy' ); el.removeChild( textArea ); } /** * Match helper for iOS user agent. * * @returns {boolean} */ function isIOS() { return null !== navigator.userAgent.match( /ipad|iphone/i ); } return { copy: function( text, el ) { createTextArea( text, el ); selectText(); copyToClipboard( el ); } }; })( window, document, navigator ); ; (function( tippy, $, fishburneShare, fishburneClipboard, shareThis, navigator ) { 'use strict'; // Configurable vars. var resizeId, resizeTimeout = 2 * 100, // 200 milliseconds. tooltipTimeout = 2 * 1000, // 2 seconds. tooltipFadeTime = 25 * 100; // 250 milliseconds. // Event handlers. function onLoad() { var shares = $( '.article__share' ); if ( 'undefined' === typeof tippy ) { return; } // Toggle anchors variants. $( document ).on( 'click', '.article__share__anchor__item', function() { $( '' ).removeClass( 'active' ); $( this ).addClass( 'active' ); }); // Remove loading state from meatballs. $( '.article__share__button--meatballs' ).removeClass( 'article__share__button--meatballs--loading' ); $( shares ).each( function() { var overlay = $( this ).find('.article__share__overlay'), triggerelem = $(this).find('.article__share__button--meatballs'), theme = $( overlay ).data( 'theme' ), offset_top = $( overlay ).data( 'offset-top' ), offset_bottom = $( overlay ).data( 'offset-bottom' ), offset_skidding = $( overlay ).data( 'offset-skidding' ); // If theme data attribute is not set, use default theme. if ( 'undefined' === typeof theme ) { theme = 'fishburne-light'; } // Attach Tippy instance to "meatball". tippy( triggerelem[0], { maxWidth: 500, duration: [ 100, 100 ], size: 'large', arrow: true, content: $(overlay).html(), allowHTML: true, interactive: true, trigger: 'manual', theme: theme, appendTo: () => document.body, placement: 'top', popperOptions: { modifiers: [ { name: 'offset', options: { offset: ({ placement, reference, popper }) => { offset_skidding = offset_skidding ? offset_skidding : 0; if (offset_top && placement === 'top') { return [offset_skidding, offset_top]; } else if (offset_bottom && placement === 'bottom') { return [offset_skidding, offset_bottom]; } else { return []; } }, }, }, ], }, onShow: function( instance ) { var popperInstance = $( instance.popper ); // Set focus after 100ms (arbitrary) timeout. setTimeout( function() { popperInstance.find( '.article__share__button:first' ).focus(); }, 100 ); hideAllVisiblePopovers( ); }, } ); }); $( '.article__share__button--meatballs' ).on( 'mouseenter click', function( event ) { var targetElement =, targetButton = $( targetElement ).parents( 'button' ).get( 0 ); // Mouse enter is not required on mobile browsers, but Android acts particularly weird unless we avoid this. // if ( navigator.userAgent.match( /Android/i ) ) { // return; // } // In case the button itself gets targeted, we can set the targetButton to the targetElement. if ( 'BUTTON' === targetElement.tagName ) { targetButton = targetElement; }; } ); // Handle click event for Select-Copy into clipboard. $( document ).on( 'click', '.article__share__button--link', performSelectCopy ); // Accessibility: Handle 'escape' key press for closing popover. $( document ).on( 'keyup', function( e ) { switch ( e.keyCode ) { case 27: // Escape key. hideAllVisiblePopovers(); break; } } ); // Accessibility: Handle 'enter' key press for Select-Copy into clipboard. $( document ).on( 'keypress', function( e ) { if ( 'article__share__button--link' ) ) { switch ( e.which ) { case 13: // Enter key. case 32: // Space key. performSelectCopy( e ); break; } } } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.st-custom-button', function( e ) { var shareButton = $( ).closest( 'button' ), anchor = $( shareButton ).data( 'anchor' ), content = $( ).parents( '.tippy-content' ), active_anchor = $( content ).find( '' ), link =, headline = 'title' ) ? 'title' ) : shareThis.getTitle(); if ( $( shareButton ).data( 'network' ) === 'newsletter') { window.location.replace( $( shareButton ).data( 'newsletter-link' ) ); // eslint-disable-line WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.Window.location } // Checks do we have anchor toggle and the value is true. if ( anchor && active_anchor && true === $( active_anchor ).data( 'anchor' ) ) { link += '#' + anchor; } // We only care about share buttons inside a Tippy instance since those get rendered after initial page load. if ( $( content ).size() ) { /** * Since using __sharethis__.initialize() causes the initial set of share buttons to trigger twice, * I had to reverse engineer the __sharethis__.share() function and send it the information it normally * requires. */ shareThis.share( { count_url: link, share_url: link, url: link, description: shareThis.getDescription(), image: shareThis.getImage(), title: headline, network: 'network' ), username: 'username' ) } ); } } ); } /** * Window resize handler. */ function onWindowResize() { clearTimeout( resizeId ); resizeId = setTimeout( onWindowResizeDone, resizeTimeout ); } /** * On Window Resize done handler. * * This runs once the resize timeout has completed, so we aren't running functions on every instance of window resize. */ function onWindowResizeDone() { hideAllVisiblePopovers(); adjustButtonsForScreenWidth(); } // Helper methods. /** * Adjust buttons for screen width. */ function adjustButtonsForScreenWidth() { if ( $( window ).width() <= 600 ) { adjustButtonGroupsRepeatedly(); } else { resetAllShareButtons(); } } /** * Adjust button groups repeatedly until they fit on the screen. */ function adjustButtonGroupsRepeatedly() { // For each button group, we make sure only the appropriate amount of buttons display. $( '.article__share__button__group--collapsing:visible' ).each( function() { while ( getVisibleButtonsInGroup( this ) > 0 && getElementOffsetFromFirstChild( this ) < 50 ) { hideLastVisibleButtonInGroup( this ); } while ( getHiddenButtonsInGroup( this ) > 0 && getElementOffsetFromFirstChild( this ) > 50 ) { showFirstHiddenButtonInGroup( this ); } } ); } /** * Get element offset from first child. * * @param element HTMLElement * @returns {number} Number */ function getElementOffsetFromFirstChild( element ) { return $( element ).find( 'button:first' ).offset().left - $( element ).offset().left; } /** * Get visible buttons in group element. * * @param groupElement HTMLElement */ function getVisibleButtonsInGroup( groupElement ) { return $( groupElement ).find( '.article__share__button:not(.article__share__button--meatballs):visible' ).size(); } /** * Get hidden buttons in group element. * * @param groupElement HTMLElement */ function getHiddenButtonsInGroup( groupElement ) { return $( groupElement ).find( '.article__share__button:not(.article__share__button--meatballs):hidden' ).size(); } /** * Hide last visible button element in group. * * @param groupElement HTMLElement */ function hideLastVisibleButtonInGroup( groupElement ) { var lastButton = $( groupElement ).find( '.article__share__button:not(.article__share__button--meatballs):visible' ).last(); '.horizontal-divider' ).hide(); lastButton.hide(); } /** * Show first hidden button in group. * * @param groupElement HTMLElement */ function showFirstHiddenButtonInGroup( groupElement ) { var firstButton = $( groupElement ).find( '.article__share__button:not(.article__share__button--meatballs):hidden' ).first(); '.horizontal-divider' ).show();; } /** * Reset all the share buttons (except for meatball). * * We unset 'display' here so that all the default styles will get inherited. */ function resetAllShareButtons() { var buttons = $( '.article__share__button:not(.article__share__button--meatballs)[style*="display: "]' ); buttons.each( function() { $( this ).next( '.horizontal-divider' ).css( 'display', '' ); $( this ).css( 'display', '' ); } ); } /** * Hide all visible popovers (unless they match skipId). * * @param {number} [skipId] ID to skip (optional). */ function hideAllVisiblePopovers( skipId ) { $( '[data-tippy-root]' ).each( function ( i, element ) { if ( skipId !== ) { element._tippy.hide(); } } ); } /** * Perform select copy into clipboard. * @param event Event */ function performSelectCopy( event ) { var tippyInstance, targetElement =, targetButton = $( targetElement ).parents( 'button' ).get( 0 ), active_anchor = $( targetButton ).parents( '.tippy-content' ).find( '' ), anchor = $( targetButton ).data( 'anchor' ), link = fishburneShare.shortlink; // Checks do we have anchor toggle and the value is true. if ( anchor && active_anchor && true === $( active_anchor ).data( 'anchor' ) ) { link += '#' + anchor; } // In case the button itself gets targeted, we can set the targetButton to the targetElement. if ( 'BUTTON' === targetElement.tagName ) { targetButton = targetElement; } event.preventDefault(); // Re/activate the tool tip Tippy instance. tippyInstance = tippy( targetButton, { interactive: false, content: fishburneShare.i18n.link_copied, size: 'regular', arrow: true, trigger: 'manual', hideOnClick: true, placement: 'bottom', onShown: function ( instance ) { // After the timeout, hide the tippy popover. setTimeout( function () { instance.hide( tooltipFadeTime ); }, tooltipTimeout ); } } ); fishburneClipboard.copy( link, targetElement.parentNode ); // Show the "link copied" text.; } // Event listeners. window.addEventListener( 'load', onLoad ); window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize ); // Run immediately. adjustButtonsForScreenWidth(); })( tippy, jQuery, FishburneShare, FishburneClipboard, __sharethis__, navigator ); ; /*! jQuery UI - v1.13.2 - 2022-07-14 * * Includes: widget.js, position.js, data.js, disable-selection.js, effect.js, effects/effect-blind.js, effects/effect-bounce.js, effects/effect-clip.js, effects/effect-drop.js, effects/effect-explode.js, effects/effect-fade.js, effects/effect-fold.js, effects/effect-highlight.js, effects/effect-puff.js, effects/effect-pulsate.js, effects/effect-scale.js, effects/effect-shake.js, effects/effect-size.js, effects/effect-slide.js, effects/effect-transfer.js, focusable.js, form-reset-mixin.js, jquery-patch.js, keycode.js, labels.js, scroll-parent.js, tabbable.js, unique-id.js, widgets/accordion.js, widgets/autocomplete.js, widgets/button.js, widgets/checkboxradio.js, widgets/controlgroup.js, widgets/datepicker.js, widgets/dialog.js, widgets/draggable.js, widgets/droppable.js, widgets/menu.js, widgets/mouse.js, widgets/progressbar.js, widgets/resizable.js, widgets/selectable.js, widgets/selectmenu.js, widgets/slider.js, widgets/sortable.js, widgets/spinner.js, widgets/tabs.js, widgets/tooltip.js * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors; 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$ ':visible' ) && ! resize_smaller && typeof $item.attr( 'data-hidden-width' ) !== 'undefined' ) { if ( $item.attr( 'data-hidden-width' ) < $( window ).width() ) { $vault_item.addClass( 'link-hidden' ); $item.removeClass( 'link-hidden' ); $item.attr( 'data-hidden-width', '' ); if ( i === number - 1 ) { wrapped = false; } } } // Hides items when resizing window smaller. if ( $ ':visible' ) ) { // If the "nav vault" is overflowing the navigation, hide links until it stops overflowing. // If the "nav vault" is off screen, the value will be 0, so we hide link then too. if ( $nav_inner.parent()[0].getBoundingClientRect().right < $nav_vault[0].getBoundingClientRect().right || $nav_vault[0].getBoundingClientRect().right == 0 ) { wrapped = true; if ( $item.hasClass( 'nav__vault' ) ) { $nav_items.eq( wrap_index ).addClass( 'link-hidden' ); $nav_items.eq( wrap_index ).attr( 'data-hidden-width', $( window ).width() ); $nav_vault_items.eq( wrap_index ).removeClass( 'link-hidden' ); } else { $item.addClass( 'link-hidden' ); $vault_item.removeClass( 'link-hidden' ); $item.attr( 'data-hidden-width', $( window ).width() ); } } else { wrap_index = i; } } $nav.attr( 'data-wrapped', wrapped ); }//end for $subnavs.find('.menu-item-has-children').each(function(item) { calculateAndPositionSubMenu($(this)); }); } /** * Helper: re-calculate submenu position. * * $menuItem refers to a parent list item that generally has the class 'menu-item-has-children', if that helps. * * @param {Object} $menuItem jQuery object. */ function calculateAndPositionSubMenu($menuItem) { if ($menuItem.parent().hasClass('menu')) { // Find child and set parameters. var $childMenu = $menuItem.children('.sub-menu'), $firstChild = $childMenu.find('a').first(), marginBase = 40; if (!$firstChild.position()) { return; } // Find this menu's first child element for use in calculations. var $menuItemFirstChild = $menuItem.find('.menu-item a').first(); // We want to position the sub menu text to line up with the // top menu text. var subMenuLeft = $menuItem.children('a').position().left, subMenuLeft = subMenuLeft - $firstChild.position().left, // Here, we subtract the int value of padding-left on the first child // element. subMenuLeft = subMenuLeft - parseInt($menuItemFirstChild.css('padding-left'), 10); // We also want to set a maximum distance to the right so the submenu is always visible. var subMenuRight = $(window).width() - $childMenu.width() - marginBase; $childMenu.css( 'left', Math.min(Math.max(0, subMenuLeft), subMenuRight) ); } } /** * General helpers. */ function helpers() { // Let the nav know to display (avoids the user seeing broken nav). $nav.addClass( 'subnav__navigation--ready' ); // Keep track of window resizes. $( window ).resize( function(event) { resize_smaller = ( last_width > $( window ).width() ); last_width = $( window ).width(); detect_wrapped_nav(); } ); // Keep track of scroll direction. $( window ).scroll( function(event) { var st = $( this ).scrollTop(); scrollUp = ! (st > scrollTop); scrollDown = (st > scrollTop); scrollTop = st; if ( st <= 0 ) { scrollUp = true; scrollDown = false; } } ); $( window ).load( function() { clearInterval( detectInterval ); detect_wrapped_nav(); } ); } // Mobile tap handlers. $(function() { $('.subnav__container' ).ready( function() { init(); detect_wrapped_nav(); helpers(); setInterval( detect_header_resize, 500 ); detectInterval = setInterval( detect_wrapped_nav, 500 ); }); function repositionSubnavs() { $subnavs.find('.menu-item-has-children').each(function(item) { calculateAndPositionSubMenu($(this)); }); } $(document).on('touchstart', function() { detectTap = true; }); $(document).on('touchmove', function() { // After 50ms, this is no longer a tap. setTimeout(function() { detectTap = false; }, 50); }); $(document).on( 'touchend', _.debounce(function(event) { if (detectTap) { var $eventTargetParent = $( '.menu-item' ); var $eventTargetHoveredParent = $( '.menu-item.hover' ); if ($eventTargetHoveredParent.length) { // Remove hover state from target with existing hover state. $eventTargetHoveredParent.removeClass('hover'); } else { // Remove any existing hover states. $subnavs.find('.menu-item.hover').removeClass('hover'); if ($eventTargetParent.length) { // Apply hover state to tapped target. $eventTargetParent.stop( true, true ).addClass('hover'); } } } // Reset submenu positions at the end of touch/drag event. repositionSubnavs(); }, 50) ); }); })( jQuery, _ ); ; (function ( FishburneNewsletter, $ ) { 'use strict'; // Configurable vars. // Var references. var $emailInputs = $( 'input.newsletter__email' ), $titleTexts = $( '.newsletter__title' ), $subtitleTexts = $( '.newsletter__subtitle' ), $newsletterForms = $( '.newsletter__form' ); // Event handlers. function onLoad() { $emailInputs.on( 'keyup', onInputChange ); $newsletterForms.submit( onFormSubmit ); $( 'input, button' ) .focus( function () { var $form = $( this ).closest( '.newsletter__form' ), focusClass = 'newsletter__form--focus', nodeName = $( this ).prop( 'nodeName' ).toLowerCase(); $form .addClass( focusClass ) .addClass( focusClass + '--' + nodeName ); } ) .blur( function () { var $form = $( this ).closest( '.newsletter__form' ), focusClass = 'newsletter__form--focus', nodeName = $( this ).prop( 'nodeName' ).toLowerCase(); $form .removeClass( focusClass ) .removeClass( focusClass + '--' + nodeName ); } ); // Set initial text for text elements. $titleTexts.each( function ( index, titleText ) { var $titleText = $( titleText ); $ 'initial-title', $titleText.text() ); } ); $subtitleTexts.each( function ( index, subtitleText ) { var $subtitleText = $( subtitleText ); $ 'initial-title', $subtitleText.text() ); } ); } /** * On Newsletter form submit. */ function onFormSubmit( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $form = $( this ), $emailInput = $form.find( '.newsletter__email' ), email = $form.find( '.newsletter__email' ).val(), url = $form.attr( 'action' ), formData = { "wirelist": $form.find( 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form \HTMLElement Form HTML Element. */ function unsetErrorState( form ) { var $form = $( form ); $form.removeClass( 'newsletter__form--error' ); } // Event listeners. $( document ).ready( onLoad ); })( FishburneNewsletter, jQuery ); ; !function(t){var e={};function n(r){if(e[r])return e[r].exports;var o=e[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[r].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,n),o.l=!0,o.exports}n.m=t,n.c=e,n.d=function(t,e,r){n.o(t,e)||Object.defineProperty(t,e,{enumerable:!0,get:r})},n.r=function(t){"undefined"!==typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})},n.t=function(t,e){if(1&e&&(t=n(t)),8&e)return t;if(4&e&&"object"===typeof t&&t&&t.__esModule)return t;var r=Object.create(null);if(n.r(r),Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t}),2&e&&"string"!=typeof t)for(var o in t)n.d(r,o,function(e){return t[e]}.bind(null,o));return r},n.n=function(t){var 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Refer example below to resolve it."),console.warn("%cExample:","background-color: #f8f9fa;color: #50596c;font-weight: bold;",'')),!1},a=function(t,e){if(function(t){if(t.length<=0)console.warn("MicroModal: \u2757Please specify at least one %c'micromodal-trigger'","background-color: #f8f9fa;color: #50596c;font-weight: bold;","data attribute."),console.warn("%cExample:","background-color: #f8f9fa;color: #50596c;font-weight: bold;",'')}(t),!e)return!0;for(var n in e)i(n);return!0};return{init:function(t){var r=Object.assign({},{openTrigger:"data-micromodal-trigger"},t),i=o(document.querySelectorAll("[".concat(r.openTrigger,"]"))),c=function(t,e){var n=[];return t.forEach((function(t){var r=t.attributes[e].value;void 0===n[r]&&(n[r]=[]),n[r].push(t)})),n}(i,r.openTrigger);if(!0!==r.debugMode||!1!==a(i,c))for(var u in c){var f=c[u];r.targetModal=u,r.triggers=o(f),n=new e(r)}},show:function(t,r){var o=r||{};o.targetModal=t,!0===o.debugMode&&!1===i(t)||(n&&n.removeEventListeners(),(n=new e(o)).showModal())},close:function(t){t?n.closeModalById(t):n.closeModal()}}}();window.MicroModal=a;var c=a;window.microModal=c;var u=function(t){t.preventDefault();var e=t.currentTarget;window.location=e.getAttribute("data-href")},f=function(){var t=document.querySelector(".modal__btn-primary");t&&t.addEventListener("click",u),document.querySelector(".modal.micromodal-slide")&&new MutationObserver((function(t){t.forEach((function(t){t.addedNodes.forEach((function(t){document.querySelector("")&&document.querySelector("#TB_window")&&document.querySelector(".modal__overlay").click()}))}))})).observe(document,{attributes:!0,childList:!0,subtree:!0})},s=function(){document.activeElement.blur()},l=function(t,e){[{prop:"caption",modifier:"innerText",query:".modal__caption"},{prop:"title",modifier:"innerText",query:".modal__title"},{prop:"content",modifier:"innerText",query:".modal__content"},{prop:"closeButtonText",modifier:"innerText",query:"button[data-micromodal-close].modal__btn"},{prop:"successButtonText",modifier:"innerText",query:".modal__btn-primary"},{prop:"href",modifier:"dataset",query:".modal__btn-primary"}].map((function(n){var r=n.prop,o=n.modifier,i=n.query;if(e.dataset[r])switch(o){case"dataset":t.querySelector(i)[o][r]=e.dataset[r];break;default:t.querySelector(i)[o]=e.dataset[r]}}))};window.addEventListener("load",(function(){c.init({disableScroll:!0,disableFocus:!0,onClose:s,onShow:l}),f()}))}]);; (function($) { var $homeContent = $( '#home-content' ), $homeToggleLinks = $( '.home-content__toggle__link', $homeContent ); /** * Ran first on page load. */ function init() { $ function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $homeContent.attr( 'data-show', $( this ).data('tab') ); } ); } init(); })(jQuery); ; (function( $, microModal ) { $(document).on('click', '.pds-vote-button, .pds-vote-button-load', function() { // Remove default alert. window.alert = function(){}; var poll = $(this).parents('.PDS_Poll'), radio_btns = $(poll).find('input[type="radio"]'), id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ), poll_id = id.replace( 'pd-vote-button','' ), modal_id = 'pds-' + poll_id, is_checked = false, offset = $(poll).offset().top; // Check if at least one poll value is selected. $(radio_btns).each( function() { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { is_checked = true; return false; } }); // If not, show the modal. if ( ! is_checked ) { if ( window.pageYOffset > offset ) { window.scrollTo(0, offset - 82); },{ onClose: modal => onClose(modal, event) }); } }); function onClose( modal, event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } })( jQuery, microModal ); ; /** * Utility module. */ // Main module reference. var Wasabi = Wasabi || {}; Wasabi.utils = (function( $, wasabi ) { 'use strict'; /** * Checks if touch is supported. * @return {Boolean} True on touch. */ function isTouch() { return !! ( 'ontouchstart' in window ); } /** * Checks if the screen width is mobile sized. * @return {Boolean} True on mobile. */ function isMobile() { return window.outerWidth <= 727; } /** * Checks if the admin bar is enabled. * @return {Boolean} True on yes. */ function hasAdminBar() { return $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'admin-bar' ); } return { isTouch: isTouch, isMobile: isMobile, hasAdminBar: hasAdminBar }; })( jQuery, Wasabi ); ; /** * Navigation module. */ // Main module reference. var Wasabi = Wasabi || {}; Wasabi.navigation = (function( $, wasabi ) { 'use strict'; var $nav = $( '.nav' ), $wrap = $( '.nav__wrap' ), $menu = $( '.nav__menu' ), $more = null, moreWidth = 0, searchOpen = false, spanishOn = window.wasabiSpanishEnabled; /** * Loads on page init. * @return {void} */ function init() { // Set up the More dropdown. $( window ).on( 'resize', createMoreMenu ); createMoreMenu(); // Sets up mobile. $( '.branding__mobile' ).sidr({ name: 'mobile-nav', side: 'right', source: '#mobile-nav-holder', renaming: false, onClose: mobileResetClose }); $( '.mobile-nav__close' ).click(function() { $.sidr( 'close', 'mobile-nav' ); }); // Sticky header. setupSticky(); // Sets up dropdown menus. $( '.mobile-nav__menu' ).on( 'click', '.mobile-nav__item--parent', toggleSubMenu ); if ( ! wasabi.utils.isTouch() ) { $menu.on( 'mouseenter mouseleave', '.nav__item--parent', toggleSubMenu ); } else { $menu.on( 'click mouseleave', '.nav__item--parent', toggleSubMenu ); } // Bind search funtionality to search bar click. $( '.branding__search' ).on( 'click', checkSearchState ); // Mobile Menu Scrolling. document.getElementById( 'mobile-nav' ).addEventListener( 'scroll', scrollSidebar ); } /** * Sets up the nav sticking. * @param {number} spacing The space in pixels. * @return {void} */ function setupSticky( spacing ) { spacing = spacing || 0; $( '#header-wrapper' ) .unstick() .sticky({ topSpacing: spacing }); } /** * Creates the more menu item. * @return {void} */ function createMoreMenu() { if ( ! $more ) { var more_txt = 'More'; if (spanishOn) { more_txt = 'Más'; } $more = $( '
  • ', { id: 'menu-item-more', class: 'nav__item nav__item--more nav__item--parent' }) .append( $( '' +more_txt+ '' ) ) .append( $( '
      ', { class: 'sub-menu' }) ); // Get the width. $more.appendTo( $menu ); moreWidth = $more.outerWidth(); $more.detach(); // Set minimum to 100 to fix odd race issue with Safari. if ( moreWidth < 100 ) { moreWidth = 100; } // Hide the element if on desktop, now that we have the size. $menu.addClass( 'nav__menu--more-loaded' ); } var winWidth = window.innerWidth, totalWidth = 1000; if ( totalWidth > winWidth ) { // We're in tablet mode. ABORT. return; } var $children = $menu.children(), numSocial = $('.nav__wrap .nav__social > li').size(), singleWidth = 55, curWidth = 0, socialWidth = numSocial * singleWidth, menuSpace = totalWidth - socialWidth, maxWidth = menuSpace - moreWidth, index, $item; $( '.nav__menu' ).css( 'max-width', menuSpace ); // Calulate more spot. for ( index = 0; index < $children.length; index++ ) { curWidth += $children.eq( index ).outerWidth(); // If we're on the last item, we only need to know if it will fit, not it + the more menu. if ( index === $children.length -1 ) { maxWidth = menuSpace; } if ( curWidth > maxWidth ) { $item = $children.eq( index - 1 ); break; } } // Exit if there's no need. if ( ! $item || $ ':last-child' ) ) { return; } // Add in more menu item. $more .insertAfter( $item ) .children( 'ul' ) .append( $more.nextAll().clone() ); // Determine if more menu needs to be to the right. var $moreSub = $( '.nav__item--more .sub-menu' ), morePosition = $more.position().left, moreSubWidth = $moreSub.width(); if ( totalWidth < morePosition + moreSubWidth ) { $moreSub.addClass( 'sub-menu--right' ); } // Detach so function is not called again. $( window ).off( 'resize', createMoreMenu ); } /** * Toggles a submenu dropdown. * @param {Event} event The mouse event. * @return {void} */ function toggleSubMenu( event ) { var $this = $( event.currentTarget ), $subnav = $this.children( '.sub-menu' ), prefix = 'nav__item'; if ( $this.hasClass( 'mobile-nav__item' ) ) { prefix = 'mobile-nav__item'; } if ( ! $this.hasClass( prefix + '--selected' ) && $subnav.length ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } $this.toggleClass( prefix + '--selected' ); $subnav.toggleClass( 'sub-menu--showing' ); } /** * Resets styles on closing mobile view. * @return {void} */ function mobileResetClose() { $( '.mobile-nav__item--parent' ).removeClass( 'mobile-nav__item--selected' ); $( '.sub-menu' ).removeClass( 'sub-menu--showing' ); } /* * Runs on scroll event on mobile menu. * @param {Event} event * @return {void} */ function scrollSidebar( event ) { var $footer = $( '.mobile-nav__footer' ), distY = $( '#mobile-nav' ).scrollTop(), distYH = distY + $( '#mobile-nav' ).innerHeight(), menuH = $( '#mobile-nav' )[0].scrollHeight; if ( distYH >= menuH ) { $footer.addClass( 'mobile-nav__footer-bottom' ); } else { $footer.removeClass( 'mobile-nav__footer-bottom' ); } } /** * Checks the state of the click and closes or open search. * @param {Event} event The mouse event. * @return {void} */ function checkSearchState( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); var $target = $( ), $searchBar = $( '.branding__search' ), $searchForm = $( '.branding__search-form' ), $searchInput = $( '.branding__search-input' ); // Search is closed and bind is only on search bar, therefore open it. if ( searchOpen === false ) { openSearch(); // Search is open and search bar was clicked. } else if ( $ '.branding__search' ) || $searchBar.has( ).length ) { // Clicked close button. if ( $ '.branding__search-close' ) ) { closeSearch(); // Clicked the form. } else if ( $ '.branding__search-form' ) || $searchForm.has( ).length ) { $searchInput.focus(); // Clicked the magnifying glass. } else { // Form is not empty. if ( $searchInput.val().length !== 0 ) { $searchForm.submit(); // Form is empty. } else { $searchInput.focus(); } } // Search is open and the search bar was not clicked. } else { closeSearch(); } } /** * Opens the search box. * @return {void} */ function openSearch() { var $searchBar = $( '.branding__search' ); $searchBar .addClass( 'branding__search--show' ) .parent() .addClass( 'branding--show-search' ); $( '.branding__search-input' ).focus(); $ 'click', checkSearchState ); // Turn off bind to search. $( document ).on( 'click', checkSearchState ); // Turn on bind to document. searchOpen = true; } /** * Closes the search box. * @return {void} */ function closeSearch() { var $searchBar = $( '.branding__search' ); $searchBar .removeClass( 'branding__search--show' ) .parent() .removeClass( 'branding--show-search' ); $( document ).off( 'click', checkSearchState ); // Turn off bind to document. $searchBar.on( 'click', checkSearchState ); // Turn on bind to search box. searchOpen = false; } // Adds to list of modules available. wasabi.modules = wasabi.modules || []; wasabi.modules.push( 'navigation' ); // Public interface. return { init: init, sticky: setupSticky }; })( jQuery, Wasabi ); ; /** * Sidebar module. */ // Main module reference. var Wasabi = Wasabi || {}; Wasabi.sidebar = (function( $, wasabi ) { 'use strict'; var $window = $( window ), $headerAd = $( '#header-ad' ), $sidebar = $( '#secondary' ), $main = $( '#main' ), topMargin = 20, // Margin in px. startH, startY, brandingH, headerH, lastScroll, hitBottom, goingUp, currentState, lastState, sidebarOffset, sidebarHeight, contentHeight; /** * Loads on page init. * @return {void} */ function init() { // Bail if no sidebar. if ( ! $sidebar.length ) { return; } $( document ).ready(function() { headerH = $( '.nav' ).outerHeight(); brandingH = $( '.branding' ).outerHeight(); sidebarHeight = $sidebar.outerHeight() + 800; // 350 if ad is larger and height detection errors contentHeight = $main.outerHeight() - $sidebar.position().top; // Sets the minimum height to show the full sidebar. $main.css( 'min-height', sidebarHeight ); $( '.hero, .site-content > article' ).each(function() { if ( $( this ).length ) { headerH += $( this ).outerHeight( true ); } }); if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'admin-bar' ) ) { brandingH += 32; // Height of admin for desktop. } startH = brandingH; startH += $( '.nav' ).outerHeight(); lastScroll = startH; $window.on( 'scroll', scroll ); }); } /** * Runs on scroll event. * * @return {void} */ function scroll() { var winY = $window.scrollTop(), winYH = winY + $window.height(), topY = $sidebar.offset().top, bottomY = topY + $sidebar.outerHeight(), adHeight = $headerAd.outerHeight(), headerHeight = startH + adHeight; // Determine if we're scrolling up or down. if ( winY > lastScroll ) { goingUp = false; } else { goingUp = true; } // If the window offset exceeds the bottom of the widget, // and we are going down and haven't done this. if ( winYH > bottomY && ! goingUp && 'stuck-bottom' !== currentState ) { // Set the status, and alert we hit bottom. currentState = 'stuck-bottom'; hitBottom = true; startY = topY; sidebarOffset = topY - headerHeight; $sidebar.removeAttr( 'style' ); } // If we're stuck to the bottom and still going down. else if ( ! goingUp && 'stuck-bottom' === currentState ) { // Update the offset. sidebarOffset = topY - headerHeight; } // If the window scroll distance is below the header plus header. else if ( winY <= ( headerH + adHeight ) - topMargin ) { currentState = false; } // If the sidebar offset is greater than the scroll height, // and we've hit the bottom. else if ( ( topY >= winY + brandingH + topMargin - 1 ) && hitBottom && goingUp ) { currentState = 'stuck-top'; $sidebar.removeAttr( 'style' ); sidebarOffset = topY - headerHeight; if ( topY <= startY ) { currentState = false; } } // If we hit the bottom and haven't hit the above conditions, // we should float. else if ( hitBottom && 'floating' !== currentState ) { currentState = 'floating'; $sidebar.css( 'top', sidebarOffset ); } // Set the current state. if ( currentState && lastState !== currentState ) { $sidebar .removeClass( 'sidebar--' + lastState ) .addClass( 'sidebar--' + currentState ); lastState = currentState; } // Reset the state. else if ( ! currentState && hitBottom ) { $sidebar .removeAttr( 'style' ) .removeClass( 'sidebar--' + lastState ); lastState = false; hitBottom = false; } lastScroll = winY; } // Adds to list of modules available. wasabi.modules = wasabi.modules || []; wasabi.modules.push( 'sidebar' ); // Public interface. return { init: init }; })( jQuery, Wasabi ); // Used in lawrence/js/main.js:47. window.noSidebarSticky = true; ;